Let me first declare to those who don't already know this: I am not a fan.
I went to see Breaking Dawn pt 2 on both friends' request and out of curiosity.
I wanted to see how it ended and if indeed Bella finally grew some grit. I personally prefer my heroines to take matters into their own hands. Happily however, Bella did become a warrior - with the help of Edward's fangs - and impressed me with her new speed, strength and protective shield gift.
I enjoyed the gathering of new faces, finally seeing Jacob genuinely happy, the show-down twist and the surprise guest from the Amazon….mmmmm ;)
I think Twilight fans will find the conclusion to the saga very satisfying and will sail on the highs for some time to come, with many 5-movie marathons in the future!
Here endeth the praise. Twilight die-hards may wish to look away now…(spoiler alerts too).
Now for the vivisection.
Bella gets some hutzpah - hooray! She is no longer a hapless passenger who puts everyone who loves her in danger with her mere existence. However Bella's new identity as a fierce hunter and protector with handy shield are not as powerful or convincing as they should have been. Whether it is the fault of the writing or direction (I haven't read the novels, so I can't be sure) or K-Stew's complete lack of emotional range I don't know - but frankly, The Incredibles did 'maternal love and protective shield' so much better!
As far as screenplay, not a lot actually happens in the 1hr 55minutes. Which in itself doesn't have to be a problem - but that's where good writers and directors will use character development, dialogue and social nuance to add depth and richness to the story. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is littered with potentially interesting characters! 'Family' members from all over the globe are gathered, who have wonderful and unique gifts and powers. But so little is done with them. What a waste! I understand that vampires are inherently cool, stiff and still, but come on - there are so many scenes with dozens of unblinking, beautiful people all standing or sitting around like statues, with little more than redundant dialogue coming out of their perfectly shaped lips. Even the creepy pair from northern Europe couldn't raise the dramatic level. I found them comical.
Maybe the books are better at exploring character, but it sure didn't make it to the screen.
For a fantasy romance genre movie, the Twilight series sadly lack real emotion. The core of the story is the 'undying' love between Bella and Edward. Yet what is portrayed is a sulky obsession which is more the stuff of teenage infatuation. Ok, I'm not a romantic, but if I had to look at one more scene of the Cullen Clan all hugging and kissing in pairs I would have puked.
The theme of this film appears to be 'Restraint' . From Bella's gift of self control to the regularly tested truces between enemies both within the bloodsucker population (Volturi) and with their natural foes the pumped up pooches (Quileutes). Unfortunately, restraint appears to have been taken right through to the acting and direction as well. I understand that most of the characters' hearts don't beat, but that doesn't excuse dead performances all 'round. The only palpable emotion I saw was between Jacob and Renesmee - and they didn't even speak to each other! Speaking of the baby - I should probably cut Bella some slack about her lack of maternal love as I don't think anyone could love that freaky CGI infant! Eeek! Talk about a trip down Uncanny Valley (industry term for computer generated 'real people' who are close but NQR and give everyone the creeps). Surely they could have found an infant who approximated the divine MacKenzie Foy closely enough for the viewer to believe.
The director had his priorities mixed up - don't trust the audience to believe that a host of child actors can play one the character without CGI trickery, but assume we'll accept feeble dialogue and poor cinematography! Sorry, Bill Condon. You've failed.
For me Breaking Dawn Pt 2 is the conclusion of a teenage girl's fantasy about relationships, marriage and parenthood. A place where she can break her father's heart, hand her newborn baby over to adoring extended family while she shags her hunky husband in a gorgeous and fully furnished cottage in the woods, and after stringing along her broken hearted no. 2 for years, have him happily become her baby's guardian. Sheesh!
Thank god they brought in that gorgeous beefcake from the Amazon at the end. It was my reward for having sat through it all! 2/5 stars from me.
hahahahah. Too funny! We both hated the CGI baby and thought the imprinting was a little freaky! Oh El! Are we starting to merge???
ReplyDeleteMust be an aberration, Tash! LOL. However, I don't think anyone in their right mind could like that scary CG baby! Euwwww! :-O